πŸ—’οΈHow to Solve Docker Permission Denied Issue
| 2024-9-16
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When working with Docker, it's common to encounter permission-related issues, especially when trying to run Docker commands without sufficient privileges.

Root Cause

The error occurs because the current user does not have the necessary permissions to access Docker. By default, Docker commands require root access to interact with the Docker daemon. However, you can configure Docker to allow non-root users to execute commands by adding them to the docker group.

Solution: Adding the User to the Docker Group

Here’s the step-by-step process to resolve this issue:

1. Creating the Docker Group

To fix the issue, first ensure that the docker group exists. If it doesn't exist, you can create it manually with the following command:

2. Adding the User to the Docker Group

Once the docker group is created, you need to add your user (in this case, z23cc) to the group:
This command adds the current user to the docker group. $USER is an environment variable that represents the username of the currently logged-in user.

3. Activating Group Changes

To apply the group changes without needing to log out or restart the system, use the newgrp command:
This command allows you to activate the new group membership immediately.

4. Changing Ownership of the Docker Socket

Next, change the ownership of the Docker socket to ensure the docker group has the correct permissions:

5. Verifying the Fix

Finally, verify that Docker commands are working without sudo by running the following command:
The output should show no errors:
  • Issue
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